this is not a post aimed at 3 years olds or younger.
I do want to do is to list out the various ways people use their fingers while
counting a number of points, typically not more than five. OK, some are deft
enough to go on up to ten! Some to twelve too, but that is a special case which
will be mentioned only as an aside.
do I do it? When I start listing out, I clench my fist first and release my
fingers in this order: pinky, ring, middle, index, and last, the thumb. I do not
remember whether this is how my father used his fingers to count / list. I do
not recall where I could have picked up this habit. Let that slide.
counterpart sequence - the yin of the yang or vice versa – is to open with an
open palm (facing the one who is listing or the listener as the situation demands)
and close in the exact reverse order. But, I find this slightly inelegant as
one is unable to use the thumb to close the pinky fully until the middle finger
is closed. Oh, there is no loss of information, but in style it is lacking.
have seen many people start off with their thumbs, opening out from a clenched
fist and pointing up. Then, they proceed, index, middle, ring and last, the
pinky. I have tried this way of doing things, but to no avail. As soon as I get
to number four – for which the ring finger has to be opened, it demurs, at
least to go full bloom. It waits for the pinky to join hands with, so to say.
The counting process is stillborn till all the five fingers are opened up. Not
very auspicious!
reverse process, closing the thumb first, I have tried out and it is very easy without
compromising aesthetics. But I have seen very few people doing this.
process that can be best defined as the blunt razor of Occam (because it suborns
the index finger on the other hand) is for the fingers of the opening hand to
be pointed out or guided by the other index finger. Unnecessary or wasteful (there is no “unnecessary
I come to the last, the one I mentioned at the beginning as an aside. I have
seen this with many and I find it disconcerting, because the information is not
passed on by visual means as is the case with all the others discussed thus
far. In this, people start using their thumbs to mark off the knuckle folds as
they verbally count, typically starting with the pinky-palm fold. On each
finger, the thumb slides up the folds. The process has many things going for
it. The limit is twelve per hand, as opposed to five in the others. The
downside is the listener is not visually cued in to the process.
having analyzed this simple process with multiple paths, I come to the
conclusion, colored by my bias of self-interest, that my method is the most
effective and efficient. Anyone contesting this assertion?
on, I am challenging you to a match of finger wrestling!
i can count upto twenty in my sytem.start with left hand pinky,ring,index,pointer,thumb..then with the right hand folow the
same start closing right hand pinky,ring,index,pointer,thumb
and last the left hand pinky,ring,index,pointer,thumb
5+5+5+5=20 voila!!
I do the same way as you but thinking of revolutionising counting with fingers by starting of with the middle finger :D
DS Sir,
You are not only ambidexterous but also reversibly so! :)
I am curious Balu. The method you want to adopt is the way balanced cantilever bridges are constructed!
On the other hand, you may also end up double counting your middle finger!
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