Friday, September 06, 2013

Thus spake the IDiot!

“[M]an doth not live by bread only, but by every …”

Bible (KJV), Deuteronomy 8: 2-3

I would like to finish the sentence, but unbiblically,

“…touch of the touch screen or swipe across it on his smart phone.”

Evolution by natural selection says that living beings mutate and if any mutation is beneficial to the survival of the organism (Richard Dawkins atomizes it to the gene), that mutation (indeed the cause of it) spreads itself in the population.
Creation Science does not recognize Darwin’s speculation, even after it has been “proved” any number of times. But, the US Supreme Court does not recognize Creation Science as science. The successor to Creation Science – with some spurious mutation, of course – is Intelligent Design (ID).
ID argues that what man is in itself the necessary and sufficient proof of an intelligence that is greater than that of man. I used to thumb my nose at the above argument; the reasons may not concern us here.
But, I too went through the “Road to Damascus” moment. I converted, thanks to my seeing my fellow commuters on Delhi Metro furiously swiping and typing on their touch screens.
They are able to do all that because and only because men (and women too) are blessed with opposable thumbs. I used to think that man being so invested is proof enough of evolution by natural selection. But, I was wrong.
God … oops, I am not supposed to use that word as it could go against the establishment-of-religion clause of the US Constitution …
OK, let me call it the Intelligent Designer … in her (not being allowed to be God, the IDer changed sex!) infinite wisdom, she saw that man (and woman too) will over time develop a touchscreen to text silly SMSes and without an opposable thumb that helps in near-simultaneously typing on and swiping the touch screen that would not be quite so easy. Hence, the opposable thumb!
So, you see how easy it all is! So, I became an IDiot!
I said adios to Charles Darwin and his acolytes. Good bye [May the Intelligent Designer be with ye], Richard Dawkins!
Raghuram Ekambaram

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