Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jewish support to Islamism

You must read the referenced article before you can make head or tail out of this brief note. It is about how religion comes in the way of development of humanity. Those are strong words, I know. But the article will support that strong assertion.
As I read the first few paragraphs of the article, I instinctively drew a parallel between the ultra-orthodox Jews and the Islamist Islam (both of the school of the doctrinal rigidity). The article comes out explicitly in favor of such parallelisms down the line!
You would also note that it is religious-rigidity that, while being the thin end of the wedge, sustains itself by pushing in relentlessly. It really cannot help itself!
I have read a serious article (most probably in The New Yorker) on this ultra-orthodox sect (I am calling it a sect for now, while recognizing that it can indeed become a perniciously all-encompassing religion in short order, given its increasing role in Israel’s politics; just as Islamist Islam is becoming in Egypt) and I distinctly remember assessing the situation then as at the top of a slippery slope with no exit ramps. Now, I am becoming more confident of my assessment.
Now, why should I stop myself from going beyond the religion-specific criticism of Islam and take cudgels against religion itself? Christianity has its own rigidities and so do Hinduism (of whatever sect), Buddhism (as a religion and not as a philosophy). Whatever good one may claim for religion, its evils are the ones that should startle us, warn us.
I have warned you. Are you startled yet?      
1.    Israelis Facing a Seismic Shift Over Role of Women,  Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner, New York Times, January 14, 2012 (


Tomichan Matheikal said...

I share your anxiety about the way religion keeps interfering with the progress of humanity. Is there a solution to this problem, I wonder. Why are people unable to break free from the shackles of religion? Why does religion hold such a strong appeal? Why don't people bother to exercise their brain? Just some questions.

mandakolathur said...

Your question matheikal as to why people refuse to use their brains is the definition of a virus in the meme field ... the meme exists only to propagate itself, mutating at will as it were ... there must have been an advantage for the gene to support the religious meme but the latter has taken root of its own and is spreading viciously even when it has become humanity's downside ... the gene field is helpless, and that is the pity.


dsampath said...

people need to be relegious..they need not follow any the name of religion we kill and commit so many atrocities..

dsampath said...

people need to be relegious..they need not follow any the name of religion we kill and commit so many atrocities..

mandakolathur said...

DS sir, the the religion you talk about falls within the ambit of expressing awe at how nature is,how we would eternally fall short of understanding it on its own without any "external" interventions.

Why those quotes around "external"? The awe should give rise to joy and that joy is ALL encompassing. If God of any religion falls within that sphere OK. Otherwise, God is external and God and religion have no relevance to me. My moral anchor should be within nature because I am a product of nature.