Friday, February 07, 2025

Spiritual Capitalism


Spiritual Capitalism

To rail against undifferentiated capitalism is passé; industrial and finance capitalisms have been through multiple sieves (each convulsion they experience, albeit temporarily is a sieve) but have come out unscathed.

However, I know only a few episodes of danger to spiritual capitalism – Martin Luther in Christianity, perhaps the split in Islam, and some in the Hindu pantheon of gods and saints (the contest among Advaita, Dvaita and Vishishtadvaita schools of philosophy).

In northern India, Diwali is celebrated as the day of crowning of Lord Ram upon his return to Ayodhya. In the south (at least among TamBrahms), Deepavali (note the difference in spelling between the north and the south for the same festival) is celebrated as the day Lord Krishna killed a demon. Then, with such basic difference in the reason for the celebration, why do I call it the same festival? What makes it so? Gift giving! It had taken some years for this disease to catch on in the south, spreading from the north, but it indeed has. Stupidity has no bounds and is a vicious spreader, more so than COVID-19!

Read this essay to understand what Baruch Spinoza was–a Sephardic Jew–and what he became, an atheist. Was there any other kind of Jew? Yes, Ashkenazi Jew. These two may not even be fraternal twins as the two have a variety of differences, yet they must be just tolerating each other. However, it appears that gift–giving is moderated; only sweets and perhaps toys to children during Hanukkah.

The day after Thanksgiving in the US is the foremost example of such a differentiated capitalism. I do not how it is now, but decades earlier the Friday after Thanksgiving was the official start of Christmas purchases. In other words, that was when spirit and commerce (abbreviations of Spiritualism and Commercialism) became unified. Most probably it is the Department of Commerce that calculates the per day take by commercial enterprises (you would repeatedly come across, “Commerce clause” as given in their Constitution, in discussions on how any particular law would affect it if, for example, marijuana is taken across state lines!) during the Christmas season. A season for Christmas? Mary really would have had a very difficult time giving birth to Jesus! Thanks Giving is not a religious holiday. Therefore no gifts to be given or received on that day!

In England, I learn that Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. Why not Christmas day? There lies an element of commerce, between masters and labourers. Masters needed the services of the labourers on Christmas Day. Therefore, labourers cannot afford to enjoy unwrapping the presents under the watchful eyes of Ebenezer Scrooge. Hence, the next day, which the masters have so graciously and benevolently declared a holiday!

All said, Spiritual Capitalism flourishes across religions.

Amen, Tathastu, Shalom, As-salamu alaykum ...

Raghuram Ekambaram


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