Parade of Cheats
this post, I would limit myself to maybe four or five cheat floats in a parade,
each in its own sphere of influence: education, health, spiritual, religion, governance...
the US, every civil (as opposed to a military) parade gives a special place to supposedly
a person of eminence (even a county designates one) and is called the, “Grand
Marshal”. For this post, I designate “education”, in whose name much is going
wrong, as the Grand Marshal”.
learn anything at all only with an eye of earning power in the near future that
is in the first two or three years after graduation. Quick returns on
investment. Education is financified, the desire of the oligarchs. Some five
decades ago, we did learn computer programming and used computers as tools that
enabled us to finish our engineering–truly engineering–tasks faster, and mostly
as accurately as we wanted (this required a little bit of mathematics), and
error–free. That ain’t enough now.
the science of computing developed, it may as well have crossed the threshold,
and into naming the original masters of computing redundant, Artificial
Intelligence (AI). The real master now is AI that has a voracious appetite.
Anything other than specialization in AI is treated with contempt by computer
scientists themselves. Anecdotally, I can cite one instance, and claim that
ChatGPT led a faculty member along the primrose path, leading to a wrong answer.
That should have chimed an alarm bell. It did not.
next float is health. Homoeopathy is its
lead float, which was developed in the very late 18th century. It
follows the dictum, “Use a thorn to remove a thorn.” Apparently, this is not OK
as the process may exacerbate the situation. I was not aware of this, and as the
dutiful son of recently widowed mother who was also a cancer (duodenal) patient,
I did as bade, and my mother’s internal organs were probably eaten away. She
must have weighed less than 15 kg at death.
above is the leading float under health. The next is cancer, to which there
have been many false starts; in fact, so many that we are suspicious of any new
start! In the very early years of combating cancer, many cures were promoted
and none was successful. I do not wish to Google how many died on this score,
but it must have been many as knowledge dissipated very slowly.
third float is tagged, “Spiritual.” I did this very reluctantly. Other than
that spirituality is nothing material (Madonna’s Material Girl flitted
before my mind’s eyes), what it is–a positive definition–no one has been able
to put up a cogent description. That is as well, because spirituality is
associated with the mind of an individual; no, we cannot bring in the Cosmic or
the Universal Mind, and even if we did, it has to be reckoned only by the marked
individuals (the spiritual guru). Oh, I forgot. There are now more spiritual
gurus on the earth than there are stars in the Cosmos! And, these gurus are
parading before us, at least some of them naked, and some more near naked
(Witness? In the Maha Kumbh crowd).
comes religion. Some of you may wonder that I am merely padding up this post by
mentioning spirituality and religion separately. You couldn’t be more wrong.
Religion is the material effluence of spirituality. As I mentioned earlier,
spiritual is non-material; there can be no bridge between them.
spirituality outnumbers the stars in the universe at one instant (as per
a specified observer at a specified instant, as Einstein told us), religion outnumbers
all the stars that have been, that are and that will be, everywhere. Religion
can never be extirpated.
has to merely see the profusion of the so-called spiritual channels, each is,
metaphorically speaking, a float in the parade. In truth, these are religious
channels that carry religious programmes, each religion controlled by a guru,
not of the spiritual but of the religious.
Christianity, we have the Pope for the Roman Catholics, the
Archbishop of Canterbury for the Anglicans. We have the Shia and Sunny groups
for Islam, the Iyengars and Iyers as the Hindu sub-sects and on and on. The length
of the religious floats in the religion almost match the length of the parade,
which merely keeps getting longer, never shorter.
Serves as the co-bookend of the parade, education at the front and governance
at the rear. It. is like the rear guard van in Indian Railways trains,
the unlit caboose, as in goods trains. The whip master. Even in a democracy, it
is not adequately lit. The Washington Post has this about democracy: Democracy
Dies in Darkness, oh, so alliterative. That is why, under its current owner
Jeff Bezos, democracy died and the paper did not endorse Kamala Harris for
POTUS. Perhaps The Guardian of UK is a counter example, few and far
India, it is exactly the opposite. Legacy media is the collective noun. Papers
stay as a fiefdom of a family or a set group of people, media houses, under the
thumb of a strong personality. Ownership does not change hands often, like it
does in the US. Here, whether one likes it or not, toeing-the-line ensures
survival. Check that. It is more in the negative: if you don’t, you do not
line do you toe? That of the party in power. So, how do you get to hold the power
of governance? Multiple pathways, one of them is shown in the James Bond movie Spectre
(Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion),
the second in the list, in South Africa. One should be able to spot real-life
education and governance control the narrative of the parade. The tweens merely
fall in line.
is a certifiable cheat, and the floats roll down the main street to the beat of
the drummer, the political and capital oligarchs, in the US.
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