Sunday, May 01, 2016

LIGO sound v. AUM

It was only in the second week of February, 2016 western scientists understood the powers of Indian sages of eons ago. That is when they heard the faint “chirps” of one remote corner of the universe, through the multi-billion dollar white elephant called LIGO.
I waited for a long time, more than two months, to hear Indians claiming “been there, heard that”, after the western hype on LIGO, setups in Hanford and Livingston in the US. It has been total silence. I couldn’t bear it and here I am to trumpet Indian science, in particular of ice ages and earlier.
Two months ago, “Oh, We heard the sound of the universe!” westerners were gloating while exaggerating. None had the honesty to admit that the sound they heard came from a small zone, no more than say 150 miles across in this vast universe; the whereabouts of the source thus far has not been identified, except in a broad, and yes, meaningless band somewhere in the southern skies.
Our sages had heard a similar noise and they gave a name for it too: Pranava Mantra. And, that is not limited to any corner of the universe (if the universe indeed has corners). The Pranava Mantra infuses the entire universe. If anything is universal, it is. It is a booming message.
Westerners are so deaf they only heard the “chirp”, as per news reports, and that lasted only 0.2 seconds. The sound our forefathers heard is still ringing, in our ears and around the universe.
We also know how exactly (almost) the word should be spelt and pronounced: either OM or AUM (You must understand, the problem comes only in transliteration, from Sanskrit to English). Yes, there is still that mystery, on which our current sages are working, like at the World Cultural Festival on the flood plains of River Yamuna in Delhi. The British are for OM and the Americans, AUM.
The “chirp” was heard in September 2015, and westerners, aided and abetted by Indian turncoat scientists, checked it for about five months before being satisfied.
No such long rituals for us. We hear, we tell.
I am sure in a day or two, the Art of Living Foundation, under the spiritual guidance of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, will come out with the definitive English spelling for the universal sound of the universe.
Bookies have fixed the odds at 2:1 for AUM! What I find is it is the westerners who are flocking to these bookies, even at such low payouts!
Raghuram Ekambaram
P.S The LIGO “chirp” is merely “gravitational waves converted to audible sounds.”

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