work in a deemed university near Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The place is an odd cultural hybrid - Sanskrit and Tamizh. And, on campus, there is a tea stall, or to be more relevant
to this post, a coffee stall. And you can get coffee there.
question is, do you really get coffee there. I would argue no. Then, what do we
get there? We get kaapi.
stall has a nice name, Kaapi Kudil. ‘Kudil’
in Tamizh means homestead. Basically, the Tamizh name, though written in English,
is Coffee House.
I first saw the name board, I furrowed my eye brows, contempt writ large on my
face. OK, I accept Kudil, but Kaapi? I rebelled.
this feeling and response deserted me, and I am very thankful, soon enough.
was thinking what would the name board for a similar outlet in Paris, France
say. I have never been to France and I can only make a guess. I decided that
that whatever it may say, it would definitely not spell the word “coffee”,
particularly given the contempt the French have for English (the language and
people). Indeed, the outlet is likely to be called café, a place for snacks and
drinks, coffee included.
imagine you are a tourist in Paris. Would such a name board furrow your brows?
I do not think so. Imagine further, a French man or woman settled in the US or
UK, returning to France and seeing it. Would (s)he have a question mark on
her/his face? I do not think so. But, bring a middle class person with Tamizh
as mother tongue along with, say, a group of Indian urbanites from across the
country including Tamil Nadu, watch his face, indeed his whole body as he reads
and tries to explain the name board. It will remind you of murukku, extreme contortion. (I could have as well said pretzel,
but I wanted cultural relevance!).
will be apologies galore from the Tamizh person. Kaapi, a down-market term, elicits, among the self-proclaimed
Tamizh cognoscenti, unfathomable sneer.
– the French have no problem and non-French too. Kaapi, problems all round.
Or, is it snobbishness? Pick the snobbier word!
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