knew, of course, that as a free marketer Adam Smith could not have been
enamored of monopolies. But to the level of contempt he had for monopolists,
perhaps you haven’t a clue. I did not either till I am more than halfway
through his book Wealth of Nations.
first thought I found that strange because in current discussions the free
market thinkers even while not endorsing monopoly do not have much nice words
to say about the regulators who ensure there is open competition – throw stones
at anti-trust regulators, breaking up or avoiding the formation of monopolies
or stopping companies from becoming “too big to fail”. Smith’s contempt for
monopoly is not as intensely expressed as their contempt for regulation.
intense was Smith’s feeling against monopolists? I will give you only one short
company of merchants … by a strange absurdity regard the character of the
sovereign as but an appendix to that of the merchant, as something which ought
to be made subservient to it …”
you interpret the quote to suit the current climes, it reads like the Ur clamor
for the head of the governments becoming the CEO of the country / states, to
focus on market demands and nothing else! What is most interesting to me is the
classification of such a clamor as “a strange absurdity”. Must note that it was
none other than the high priest of free market thinking who did the
classification. Had I thought you would have had the patience to read many
statements form the book that carry this tone, I would have given a plethora!
Adam Smith comes out as a staunch free marketer, but the nuances of his
thinking fly above the heads of the current proponents of the same philosophy.
Oops, the current philosophy may not have much similarity, except
superficially, to what Adam Smith said. This is why you are not hearing a whole
lot about the statements I am drip-feeding you!
Thanks for the post. I need to read the book. Looks interesting.
Thanks Amrit ... the next one is up!
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