Friday, April 27, 2012

Women have no brains

Women have no brains. Therefore, no need for them to wear helmets while driving or riding on a two wheeler. No need to safeguard a non-existent brain.

Don’t pillory me for the above, because I did not say it. It is the sense I got out of what Smt. Sheila Dixit, the CM of the National Capital Territory of Delhi said, as reported in the Hindustan Times of April 27, 2012. You can read the news item below.

Ms. Dixit is overly worried about the “sentiments of a particular community” than about the safety of the womenfolk of that community. Sentiments override safety. Very progressive, very good.

The transport department of the government, having been cornered by the Delhi high court, merely “decided to re-examine the law that makes helmets optional for women”. But even this was unacceptable to the chief minister and she has demanded that if any affidavit had been given to the high court, the same has to be “rectified” by the transport department.

Why, you ask. “Sikh groups have threatened protest if the government tries to change the helmet rule for women.” Shades of the Islamist threats against proscribing burqa.

One religion says that women should not be seen. The other says that women’s brains do not deserve protection. One constrains the body and the other ignores the brain.

There is not much difference between religions.

Raghuram Ekambaram


Amrit Yegnanarayan said...

Maybe thick skulls? This is plain stupid, to pu tit mildly.

mandakolathur said...

Yes Amrit, and the thick skull belongs to the men folks of the Sikh community!


Tomichan Matheikal said...

This is an issue that used to amuse me since the time I came to Delhi. I too made the same joke about the brainlessness in the beginning.

As a two-wheeler rider I'm becoming increasingly concerned about fellow riders and others. There are far too many mad drivers in Delhi including bikers who are dangerous to others. Even helmets may not save potential victims from such people. I think the first thing that the traffic police should do is to take stern action against rash driving, signal jumping and drunken driving.

palahali said...

Plain stupid !

However, why should anybody make any rule for protecting oneself ? I rmember it happened in Bangalore and the CM wanted to make it opitonal (men/women) . Why should be told to do all this ? wear helmet ! wear seat belt . and why should it be the govenemtntelling us all this

mandakolathur said...


On this I am on the opposite side of the fence. As a citizen one is protected by the state only to benefit from his or her produtivity. It is that productivity concern that makes the state impose on the citizen's individual liberties, just as the state criminalizing marijuana, discouraging cigarettes, reducing accidents etc.

I am sure I have skipped some critical issues here, but that is my gut feeling.


mandakolathur said...


I wore a helmet, met with an accident on a two wheeler, lost hearing in one ear. This is what informs my arguments on this matter. It does not matter how much traffic discipline is enforced, there is always the danger of accidents and one has to protect himself.


palahali said...


I am not saying people should not wear helmets. People should know that driving without helmet is wrong . It is a pity that somebody (govt ) has to tell us to wear them. Incidentally an equally importnat issue is that pillion writers are more at a disadvantage. Nothing has been done about this

mandakolathur said...

Pala, perhaps I misunderstood, at least in part. I was not saying that you advocate not using helmets. What I was stressing was there are many aspects of behavior that need to be monitored, indeed even controlled, that are harmful to oneself, all in the interest (I deliberately focused on the economic aspects)of the society.

Thanks for the clarification.


Indian Satire said...

sometimes when women drive, I feel the necessity to wear a body armour even in a car. All said and done, Helmets should be made compulsory as much as a driving licence, insurance is

mandakolathur said...

Hi Balu, which one was it, I, ME or MYSELF who said that!

In Delhi, long time ago there were public transport (private) buses called Redline. And, you cannot believe the number of people mowed down by these monsters. So, you say, women drivers are the current incarnations of those Redlines? :)

Thanks for coming in.