Friday, December 30, 2011

My New Year Resolution for 2012

I will not say a word against street hawkers, vegetable vendors, tea stalls, cobblers, flower stalls, tents for taxi stands etc. on sidewalks, the homeless who make their home (and toilet too) there till ...

... the students and staff of the so-called higher educational institution (focused on management) – quite a privileged group they are – stop using public space right at the entrance to the Delhi Metro station (Paschim Vihar (East) of the Green Line) as their dedicated parking space, when there indeed is a DMRC parking lot (service provided at nominal cost) right across the road. Or, till such time the authorities have the audacity to tow away without any warning all the cars parked so illegally.

When the parked cars themselves exude arrogance, what attitude do you think the users of these cars carry?

What the authorities may want to do with these cars … I will leave that to their discretion.

I have no problem tolerating the group of rickshaws gathered at the station entrance (when they are allowed to, after the classes are over), looking out for business opportunities towards basic sustenance. They have more of a right to that place, no matter how inconvenienced I am by them, than the visitors to the institution.

If the above does not happen in 2012, I will renew the resolution annually till it does.

For once, we can turn Hazare inside out and look within ourselves.

Raghuram Ekambaram


Indian Satire said...

Raghu, ICON, MECON and YOUSELFCON are watching how you will stick to your resolution. Happy new year to you

mandakolathur said...

I am quite confident that MYCON will not be conning ME! Thanks Balu.