Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cultural idiocy through biological illiteracy

The Abhishek-Aishwarya baby has a good start as a teacher. We read, see and hear in the media, 100 to one, that she is Bachchan’s granddaughter, the Rais in the dark corner. Perhaps Bachchans are doing to Rais what has been done unto them by the Nanda’s, when the elder Bachchans’ daughter had her babies. We still haven’t been schooled on Biology 101.
Our cultural bias has been outed as strongly as it can ever be. And, this, when we go about beating our breasts that female foeticide is one of the biggest scourges of the society. Culture dies too slowly for my comfort.
Something has to give here. Either we endorse patriarchy or say to ourselves that we are the biggest hypocrites we have seen. We cannot allow ourselves to fall between the stools.
By the way, the sex of the baby stopped being a secret the moment Abhishek went public with his “preference”, a baby girl. Just imagine, if he had been wrong on his “preference”. The obvious question, “What do you feel now that you did not get your wish?” Oops … And, I am not saying this after the fact. I threw this logic at a number of people and none muttered a word. This is not Einsteinian logic, but simple deduction.
Raghuram Ekambaram  


Aditi said...

Raghu, it is politically incorrect for any celebrity in India today to say that (s)he wants a boy.If a boy is indeed desired, they either evade the question with vague answers feigning indifference or lie through their teeth.

Tomichan Matheikal said...

Patriarchy may have little to do with people like the Bachans. They can afford to lavish their love (and wealth) on any sex!

dsampath said...

All comments of right and wrong need to start from self.if in your statements you don't touch yourself you become a hypocrite. But at times I act as a conditional hypocrite as I am just a human being.. so sir,i am not ashamed of being a hypocrite.

mandakolathur said...

But Aditi, the crowd that Abhishek, Aiswarya, Amitabh et al cater to will not care whether these folks are PC or not. My problem is why didn't AB Jr. didn't follow his father, who famously shunned the media a few decades ago?

PC or no PC, why has it become a crime to desire a boy? The basic thrust is if it is a girl recognize that child as precious as a boy child. I do not see anything in that sentiment to put down boys. This is impossible for me to understand.


mandakolathur said...

Still Matheiakl, I have grave doubts that AB Jr. would have come out clean with a "I want a baby boy!"


mandakolathur said...

That is precisely true of everyone, even the most exalted saints, DS sir. I see the drive to subdue one's cognitive dissonance, to be understood as realizing that one is not as good as he thinks he is, as extremely hard but truly energizing, every little step.