Monday, February 11, 2013

A request to all religionists, of whatever religion …

Please tell me,

 What is wrong about being an atheist?

 Are atheists, ipso facto, immoral?

 Are atheists, ipso facto, uncaring?

 Are atheists, ipso facto, insensitive?

 What does society have to fear from an atheist?

 What do individuals have to fear from an atheist?

 Do atheists offend religion(s) more than each religionist offends religions that are not his?

The above questions are plain, simple and straight forward. Please do not read anything more into them.

Raghuram Ekambaram


Tomichan Matheikal said...

You know the answers better than anybody else, Raghuram.

There may be so many reasons why atheists are perceived as immoral, etc. For example, atheism was often associated with Marxists in Kerala for some time, and Marxists were quite violent (Naxalism, etc). Atheism acquired a totally different meaning!

Such factors exist in other places too. An atheist is a villain in movies, for example.

mandakolathur said...

No, matheikal ... even if I knew the answers, I cannot be confident of them, as that would invariably lead to self-reference, like people calling a meeting of like-minded a "Satsang", a meeting of the good hearted!

It is only to avoid that I wanted others to give answers.



Bharath said...

Religionists, as I believe, see atheists as any other religion, countering theirs.
If spreading of christianity among tribals in Orissa is seen as a threat by Hindu Fundamentalists... yes!! Atheisim is ofcousre perceived as a threat by any religionist... for religions are often built on faith rather than logic... and when atheists combat religion with logic, its a weak battle, of guns with swords..

mandakolathur said...

Thanks Bharath ... what you say, I would like to translate as "religionists are an extremely insecure lot! If they are challenged, they get into a tizzy, no matter where the the imagined 'attack' is coming from." Then, to attack atheists, they have no God to direct their anger born out of insecurity at; hence, atheists are immoral, insensitive etc. etc.


Bharath said...

Thank you sir for putting it in a well formed sentence... That was almost what I meant to say, except for the "object (God)" to direct their anger for atheists... Atheists for that matter are treated no different "other religion" when they challenge the religious practices or foundations..

mandakolathur said...

Thanks Bharath for coming back and clarifying further.